Makeshift Home was born from wanting to be with my friends/my chosen family. We all missed our cultures and our homes in our families. 

This project asks what it means to be away from that and have to create a version of it. I spent a couple of weeks planning to host a dinner party with a few of my friends, asking everyone to bring dishes that reminded them of home. We then came together at my friend’s place, cooked in his kitchen, and had a beautiful dinner. A nice moment as everyone was able to gather around to enjoy each other's presence, and for a couple of minutes it felt like we were all home. The objective of this project was to take that feeling and try to translate it through the things around my studio. I took 3d scans of all the food everyone cooked, the stove tops out of plaster built from a mold that I made a mixture of the stove out of our pots that we used from the dinner and spices and balls and flowers and I made a wooden structure that was surrounded by foam board. I printed a picture of a stove that reminds me of back home and assembled all of them together (kind of haphazardly) to create some type of resemblance to what I was missing 

Other people are not always able to understand the foods from my home or the sentiment behind them seeing that maybe that is not their experience. I thought it was really important to spark a conversation about culture and creating a home away from home, to pick and choose the things that you want to take and what you choose to let go of.

